Saturday, April 6, 2013

Why {Pregnancy} and Poverty?

This documentary is beautifully terrifying. I never would have imaged that in the last 20 years, maternal mortality rates have worsened in the U.S.

Welcome to the World -Why Poverty? is a documentary that made its debut less than a month ago that follows three women -one from the US, one from Cambodia, and one from Sierra Leone- in pregnancy, giving birth, and taking care of their children. It is terrifying that no one talks about why these women are in poverty and must struggle to survive. The most terrifying thing is knowing that there are pregnant, homeless women in this world. In fact, the number of women who died in the documentary is far too many.

I don't want to tell everything about the documentary, but I will say this: Documentaries are important for giving voices to those who are outside the margins of society...all societies. I highly recommend watching this and seeing even how in the U.S. there are women struggling with pregnancy and homelessness. The clinic in Sierra Leone has the best intentions, but like the U.S., greed prevents resources from being shared. Since money is taboo in public discourse in the West, there is a need for documentaries to reach people and share stories of those struggling without it.

This documentary is much more than about pregnancy. I hope you will watch it and join the push for discourse in our world to make change.

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