Sunday, April 28, 2013

Not a made-for-TV movie anymore...

If you think cyberattacks are only American, think again. Recently, the Spanish arrested a Dutch man believed to be Cyberbunker's owner Sven Kamphuis for attacking the site Spamhaus, which is an anti-spam website. Reportedly, the man flooded the website with data in an attempt to bring the site down.

Internationally, cyber security is something that must be recognized. Forget the sci-fi fantasies of 20 years ago and bringing down the world with the push of a button. This is real.

America should make a note of this. While the military has security in place to monitor cyber attacks, it should also work internationally with others, as with this recent Spanish case. The man responsible for the cyberattack on Spamhaus will be transferred back to The Netherlands soon, getting more than one government involved. While America is monitor such attempts, working with other countries to form a universal international policy could work wonders for a future developing faster than we can imagine.

An article earlier this month also cites Cyberbunker and the Spamhaus attack, which commented that the attack ran "a pace that eventually peaked at 300 billion bits per second, several times the size of the attacks against the websites of U.S. banks in late December and early January." This should directly alert America to the importance of cyber security, since it has already suffered a massive attack, but there are those more brutal.

Also, it is believed that the attack was because of something reminiscent of childhood --Spamhaus blacklisted (or essentially said "no") spammers associated with Cyberbunker. Spamhaus acted like a parent of the Internet in their pursuit of preventing excessive spam to international users, and the child Cyberbunker thought the blacklisting was Spamhaus trying to control the Internet.

No, Spamhaus is trying to moderate scum that no one wants to see anyway. People want to check their email peacefully without being prompted to enroll for free tango lessons.

Writing all of this down, America? It is important whether big or small attacks.

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