Saturday, June 1, 2013

Powered by Stomach Acid! And Corporations...

This is crazy! I try not to take pills unless I have to, but if I am prone to forgetting passwords in a technological environment, does that qualify as a need?

Motorola (FYI -->owned by Google) launched memory-saving gadgets at the D11 technology conference for ways to get people to remember passwords, or perhaps, have devices identify you so you'll never have to remember passwords again! Once swallowed, the pill would "transmit a signal to devices outside the body" so that you would not need to type a password.

Another piece of technology Motorola launched is the "electronic tattoo" that can be stuck to your skin, another way for gadgets to identify you. Nokia is also reportedly developing similar "tattoo" technology for phones that will vibrate on the skin, in case you cannot feel your phone vibrate in your purse or pocket.

Seems like the barcode tattoo is becoming outdated. Pretty soon, typing may be obsolete too!

It amazing me the lengths people will go to to be more efficient. In 100 years, will we be that much closer to being robots with technology now being implanted or attached to us? Reminds me of Brave New World in a way. I personally would like to stay human.

I don't mind clicking links online to request a password reset. I'm not a smartphone owner and am not sure of how to reset passwords on those devices, but I'm sure it isn't as empirical as putting science on your skin. I don't mind even calling someone to talk to them about resetting passwords or asking for technology help in general. By giving people such pills and stick-on tattoos, we are distancing ourselves from our fellow humans. Soon, we may only need to walk by a door to gain access to a high-security area because the door scans us, which is different than going through security today and requesting temporary access permission.

Considering how Google already affects our lives (Imagine doing research through books at the library, or looking at large paper maps again. Or even using a normal phone that only allows you to talk to someone.), what power would Google have over us once we have their property imbedded inside (or outside) of us? If we fail to pay our phone bill, will Google send signals (radiowaves? x-rays?) to our bodies to disable our password until our bill is paid?

How much would you be willing to pay for such a pill or patch? Who has rights to the technology once the pill technology is implanted inside of our own body? What happens if the tattoo gets wet? These are questions of a new era that we may not be ready to consider yet, but we can start now with considering the control media corporations have over us.

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