Sunday, March 10, 2013

YouTube emphasizes the "Relations" in Gender Relations

Upon a quick YouTube search to find interesting communication videos to share, I found myself seeing a common theme: dating tips hidden under the "gender relations" search term. Specifically, I found mostly videos for advising men how to "seduce" and "attract" women, and other superficial topics as "What to SAY[sic] if she has a boyfriend" and "How to Attract Women for Shy Guys."

While these videos may be useful for some people, it skews the definition of what are considered gender relations, and on a major website dedicated to video, a medium that engages more of our senses than reading alone and therefore creating more prominent messages, having incorrect associations is unacceptable. By holding gender relations as a means for dating advice, people may begin to view gender relations only towards women, making them the "other" in communication and assuming that they are the ones with odd communication habits. Also, people may only think of gender relations in terms of dating and nothing else when gender relations contribute to other social areas like the workplace. Ever heard of the glass ceiling?
When I think "Gender relations," I think of Deborah Tannen and her famous Genderlect theory, not how to bag a female. Instead, I am choosing to share with you a video about the basics of this theory created by other quirky college students. 

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