Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Power of Consumers

Think one person can't change anything? If you and 29,999 had this attitude, Veronica Mars may be a blip in media' past.

According to this BBC article, 30,000 fans of Veronica Mars, a show about a young private eye, raised over $2 million in 24 hours to make the show into a movie, as the TV series has been cancelled. Reportedly, $1 million was raised in less than 4.5 hours!

Due to this reaction, Warner Bros. will make a movie out of the show, even though it previously declined to fund it. A major media corporation listening to viewers? Fantastic!

Even though it is unfortunate that money talks, seeing the outreach of fans donating for bringing back quality media is touching. We should be encouraged to do the same, since media images comes and go, but stereotypes often remain. Imagine what we can do if we all submitted our voice frequently. If we voiced our opinions, whether on social media or directly to the company, we could contribute to removing negative portrayals and supporting quality TV that we miss.

From what I learned in my media studies courses (which links to business), we should not be afraid to directly contact those we agree and disagree with, since we have freedom of speech and are consumers. This is the reason why so many corporations are now on social media --they are now being held responsible by consumers for quality service in products with social media's ability to reach millions. Without being on social media to respond to these gripes, they would lose out on their profit with declining sales.

If a customer is upset, they can easily make 100,000 other consumers upset, and *poof* you have a scandal on your hands, not to mention declining profits. The photo above shows just how important social media is for contributing  to change. In 2013, imagine how much more these statistics are amplified.

The power of media and the individual is important in today's society, and whether you are voicing your joy over quality media or commenting on Facebook about faulty products, your voice does matter. 

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